
Role of Toilets
Bathrooms, toilets and the entire wastewater system are very important for health care. Since through these systems human waste can be safely eliminated. So toilets and sanitation systems help provide a healthy living environment, while protecting ground and surface water. They provide security and dignity to millions of people around the world. Its acquisition and installation is relatively easy.
Sanitation and Poverty
Almost a third of the world’s population, that is, about 2.4 billion people, do not have access to a decent toilet and are therefore prone to various diseases such as diarrhea. The effects and impact that poor sanitation has on people traps them in poverty and that in turn hinders opportunities to study and work to improve their quality of life and that of their family.
Improving Hygiene

Costing $300, this project installs sinks, toilets, plumbing, and other essential equipment in South American homes. Families can now enjoy private and hygienic bathrooms, eliminating the need for open-area facilities. Your donations are making a significant impact on the dignity of these families. Additionally, they receive essential instructions on handwashing and hygiene principles, promoting better health and well-being.