Sadaqah Jariyah

Empowering Communities

A brighter future for everyone, this is what we want to see, as well as smiles on the faces of children, adults and the community at large. Smiles that are born from a real perspective of a better life. Keeping this in mind, we have initiated Sadaqah Jariyah projects so that our donors can support many underprivileged communities in order to ensure a better future for the underprivileged.

Transforming Lives

If you are donating in memory of a loved one, asking Allah to heal them due to illness or facing certain trials and tribulations, and thus you help to provide shelter and water, or establish places of worship, etc. His Sadaqah Jariyah can meet the various needs of the communities and also help resolve their problems and suffering. We have started many projects for you to support, allowing you to choose any project, thus multiplying your blessings and rewards as you help lift people out of poverty and destitution. All projects are owned and managed by the community, putting the neighborhood at the center

Project Details

This project will cost $1900 and includes: purchase (complete solar well: wiring, light bulbs, pump, power plant, etc.) shipping, labor and maintenance that will benefit numerous communities..

The solar panels will have a 25- year warranty.

The Pump will have a 5- year warranty.

Solar Panel Maintenance: every 5 years
Solar panels are a superior solution due to their efficiency and cost-effectiveness in extracting water multiple times a day.